C#, articulated as “C sharp,” is the local language for the .NET regular language runtime (CLR). C# gives a domain that is basic, safe, and direct. It is straightforwardly dropped from two of the world’s best coding languages: C and C++. From C, it infers its language structure, a significant number of its catchphrases, and its administrators. It expands upon and improves the article model characterized by C++. Therefore, a perfect set of C# books is undecipherably important to learn C#.
Moreover, C# is additionally firmly identified with another fruitful language: Java. Sharing a typical lineage yet varying from numerous points of view, C#, and Java are increasingly similar to cousins. Both languages help convey programming and utilize intermediate code to accomplish well-being and flexibility; however, the subtleties vary.
Best C# Books for Newbie and Professional
Learning a new programming language and, additionally, an advanced one like C# is no easy job. Therefore, having the correct set of books to learn C# is very crucial. How you take this language will depend greatly on these books.
Here, we have given you a list of the top, commonly used, and important books that will make it interesting for you to learn C# and make it almost effortless for you to advance. Moreover, if you are familiar with C, C++, or even JAVA, then it will be even easier for you.
1. A Programmer Introduction to C# 2.0
If you are a novice, then this C# book is a must-read for you. This book starts with the fundamental stuff and then progresses slowly to advanced topics. It will teach you the basics of object-oriented programming and then move to exception handling, base classes, inheritance, interfaces, arrays, and strings.
There are, in total, forty-three chapters, and they are made in such a way as to make each chapter crystal clear for you so that you have no problems moving ahead to the next ones. If you are scared to learn C# and do not have a proper start-up, this is the ultimate book. This book has numerous examples that will help you to grasp each topic smoothly and almost effortlessly.
Table of Contents
- CHAPTER 1 Object-Oriented Basics
- CHAPTER 2 The .NET Runtime Environment
- CHAPTER 3 C# QuickStart and C# Development
- CHAPTER 4 Exception Handling
- CHAPTER 5 Classes 101
- CHAPTER 6 Base Classes and Inheritance
- CHAPTER 7 Member Accessibility and Overloading
- CHAPTER 8 Other Class Details
- CHAPTER 9 Structs (Value Types)
- CHAPTER 10 Interfaces
- CHAPTER 11 Versioning and Aliases
- CHAPTER 12 Statements and Flow of Execution
- CHAPTER 13 Variable Scoping and Definite Assignment
- CHAPTER 14 Operators and Expressions
- CHAPTER 15 Conversions
- CHAPTER 16 Arrays
- CHAPTER 17 Generics
- CHAPTER 18 Strings
- CHAPTER 19 Properties
- CHAPTER 20 Indexers, Enumerators, and Iterators
- CHAPTER 21 Enumerations
- CHAPTER 22 Attributes
- CHAPTER 23 Delegates and Anonymous Methods
- CHAPTER 24 Events
- CHAPTER 25 User-Defined Conversions
- CHAPTER 26 Operator Overloading
- CHAPTER 27 Nullable Types
- CHAPTER 28 Other Language Details
- CHAPTER 29 Making Friends with the .NET Framework
- CHAPTER 30 System.Array and the Collection Classes
- CHAPTER 31 Threading and Asynchronous Operations
- CHAPTER 32 Execution-Time Code Generation
- CHAPTER 33 Interop
- CHAPTER 34 .NET Framework Overview
- CHAPTER 35 Windows Forms
- CHAPTER 36 DiskDiff: More Sophistication
- CHAPTER 37 Practical DiskDiff
- CHAPTER 38 Deeper into C#
- CHAPTER 39 Defensive Programming
- CHAPTER 40 Tips for Real-World Code
- CHAPTER 41 The Command-Line Compiler
- CHAPTER 42 C# Compared to Other Languages
- CHAPTER 43 C# Resources and the Future
2. Agile Principles Patterns and Practices in C#
This C# book presents a movement of logical examinations speaking to the essentials of Agile turn of events and Agile structure. The book moves quickly from UML models to certified C# codes. The basic parts portray the nuts and bolts of agile development, while the later sections demonstrate real-life procedures.
Despite quickly evolving necessities, agile advancement is the capacity to rapidly create programming. To accomplish this deftness, we have to utilize rehearses that give the essential order and input. We have to utilize plan rules that keep our product adaptable and viable, and we have to realize the structure designs that have appeared to adjust those standards for explicit issues.
This book endeavors to sew each of the three of these ideas together into a working entirety. This book portrays those standards, examples, and practices and afterward exhibits how they are applied by strolling through many diverse contextual investigations. More significantly, contextual investigations are not introduced as complete works but are plans in progress.
You will see the originators make botches and see how they recognize them as slip-ups and correct them in the long run. You will see the architects puzzle over problems and stress over ambiguities. Therefore, you will see the demonstration of the structure.
Table of Contents
- Section I. Agile Development
- Section II. Agile Design
- Section III. The Payroll Case Study
- Section IV. Packaging the Payroll System
3. Applied C# in Financial Markets
This book is intended to help all experienced software engineers in the C# language. It covers all the important ideas of C# from a finance perspective. The key focuses secured are centered around building a Windows application in an environment that surrounds finance. The administrators, data types, and controls are secured in the first place as they structure the center segment of programming.
Object-oriented programming is discussed thoroughly from a real-life approach, and the most commonly utilized topics in C# are also discussed. The book emphasizes applying C# to finance. Subsequently, it does not cover every subject to its full profundity, as parts of C# are utilized in finance-related applications once in a while.
The C# book has many extra things that will help you learn C# better. It has several sections, starting with the basics of C#. It will also teach you connection pools in the database section and advance to teaching you how to handle databases and transactions and how to work with data. After finishing this book, you will be able to create new projects in Visual Studio.NET.
Table of Contents
- What is .NET, and how does C# fit in?
- The Basics of C#
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Databases
- Input & Output
- BuildingWindows Applications
- Deployment
4. Visual C# Step-by-Step Book
The point of this C# book is to show you the essentials of programming with C# by utilizing Visual Studio 2008 and the .NET Framework rendition 3.5. You will gain proficiency with the C# language highlights and then afterward use them to manufacture applications running on the Microsoft Windows working framework.
When you complete this book, you will have a careful comprehension of C# and will have utilized it to fabricate Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications; you will also be able to get to Microsoft SQL Server databases, create ASP.NET Web applications, assemble and expend a Windows Communication Foundation administration.
This book is intended to assist you with building aptitudes in various basic territories. If you are new to programming or if you are changing from another programming language, for example, C, C++, Sun Microsystems Java, or Visual Basic, you can utilize this book perfectly.
Table of Contents
- Part I Introducing Microsoft Visual C# and Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
- Part II Understanding the C# Language
- Part III Creating Components
- Part IV Working with Windows Applications
- Part V Managing Data
- Part VI Building Web Applications
5. Beginning C# Objects From Concepts to Code
Are you traumatized by the thought of having to learn C#, a completely new language? Well, then, this book is the ultimate standout for you as it contains everything from scratch. Starting from all the basic concepts of C# programming, it will move to real-time code. The book has three parts.
The first one will teach you the rudiments of C#, the next part will teach you object modelling, and the last part will teach you how to translate a UML “Blueprint” into C# Code. Each part has its summary given at its end, thus making it extremely clear to the peruser. Therefore, if you are scared, then this book is your best friend.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 – A Little Taste of C#
- Chapter 2 – Abstraction and Modeling
- Chapter 3 – Objects and Classes
- Chapter 4 – Object Interactions
- Chapter 5 – Relationships Between Objects
- Chapter 6 – Collections of Objects
- Chapter 7 – Some Final Object Concepts
- Chapter 8 – The Object Modeling Process in a Nutshell
- Chapter 9 – Formalizing Requirements Through Use Cases
- Chapter 10 – Modeling the Static/Data Aspects of the System
- Chapter 11 – Modeling the Dynamic/Behavioral Aspects of the System
- Chapter 12 – Wrapping Up Our Modeling Efforts
- Chapter 13 – A Deeper Look at C#
- Chapter 14 – Transforming Our UML Model into C# Code
- Chapter 15 – Rounding Out Our Application, Part 1—Adding File Persistence
- Chapter 16 – Rounding Out Our Application, Part 2— Adding a Graphical User Interface
- Chapter 17 – Next Steps
6. Clr Via C#
This C# book is absolutely amazing for novices who want to learn C# and CLR via C#. It contains a total of five parts. The first part will teach you all the basics of CLR, that is, building, packaging, deploying, and the types of CLR, as well as the assemblies.
The next parts move into the designing types. Here, you will be taught value types, methods, parameters, generics, and interfaces. Then, you will be taught the essential types, which are arrays, delegates, etc.
Finally, there is also a part where all the core facilities are discussed, and there, you will be taught CLR hosting, app domains, runtime serialization, etc. Threading basics and other asynchronous operations are also taught at the finishing of the book. Therefore, it is a full package of valuable information on CLR. Thus, if you want to learn CLR, this is the perfect and the only book for you.
Table of Contents
Part I CLR Basics
- Chapter 1 The CLR’s Execution Mode
- Chapter 2 Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Administering Applications and Types
- Chapter 3 Shared Assemblies and Strongly Named Assemblies
Part II Designing Types
- Chapter 4 Type Fundamentals
- Chapter 5 Primitive, Reference, and Value Types
- Chapter 6 Type and Member Basics
- Chapter 7 Constants and Fields
- Chapter 8 Methods
- Chapter 9 Parameters
- Chapter 10 Properties
- Chapter 11 Events
- Chapter 12 Generics
- Chapter 13 Interfaces
Part III Essential Types
- Chapter 14 Chars, Strings, and Working with Text
- Chapter 15 Enumerated Types and Bit Flags
- Chapter 16 Arrays
- Chapter 17 Delegates
- Chapter 18 Custom Attributes
- Chapter 19 Nullable Value Types
- Chapter 20 Exceptions and State Management
- Chapter 21 The Managed Heap and Garbage Collection
- Chapter 22 CLR Hosting and App Domains
- Chapter 23 Assembly Loading and Reflection
- Chapter 24 Runtime Serialization
- Chapter 25 Interoperating with WinRT Components
- Chapter 26 Thread Basics
- Chapter 27 Compute-Bound Asynchronous Operations
- Chapter 28 I/O-Bound Asynchronous Operations
- Chapter 29 Primitive Thread Synchronization Constructs
- Chapter 30 Hybrid Thread Synchronization Constructs
7. C# 3.0 The Complete Reference
This book depicts C# 3.0. It is isolated into two sections. Part I gives a far-reaching conversation of the C# language, including the new highlights included by this version 3.0. This is the biggest part of the book, and it portrays the watchwords, punctuation, syntax, and highlights that characterize the language.
Moreover, I/O, reflection, inheritance, and the preprocessor are also talked about in Part I. Part II investigates the C# class library, which is the .NET Framework class library. This library is colossal, and as a result, it is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to cover the whole .NET System class library in one book. Instead, Part II centers around the central library, which is contained in the System namespace.
Likewise discussed are assortments, multithreading, systems administration, and Windows Forms. These are the library pieces that almost every C# software engineer will have to utilize in their future works. This book doesn’t require any past programming experience.
If you are already familiar with C++ or Java, you will have the option to progress quickly because C# shares a lot of similarities with those dialects. If you do not have any past programming experience, you will still have the option to take in C# from this book, yet you should work cautiously through the models in every part.
Table of Contents
Part I The C# Language
- The Creation of C#
- An Overview of C#
- Data Types, Literals, and Variables
- Operators
- Program Control Statements
- Introducing Classes and Objects
- Arrays and Strings
- A Closer Look at Methods and Classes
- Operator Overloading
- Indexers and Properties
- Inheritance
- Interfaces, Structures, and Enumerations
- Exception Handling
- Using I/O
- Delegates, Events, and Lambda Expressions
- Namespaces, the Preprocessor, and Assemblies
- Runtime Type ID, Reflection, and Attributes
- Generics  LINQ
- Unsafe Code, Pointers, Nullable Types, and Miscellaneous Topics
Part II Exploring the C# Library
- Exploring the System Namespace
- Strings and Formatting
- Multithreaded Programming
- Collections, Enumerators, and Iterators
- Networking Through the Internet Using System.Net
- Use System.Windows.Forms to Create Form-Based Windows Applications
8. C# 3.0 Cookbook With Examples
This C# book is intended for clients and readers of all levels, whether they are novices or experts. Therefore, you do not need to be an accomplished C# or .NET designer to utilize this book. This book gives answers for issues that developers face consistently as well as some that may tag along less frequently.
The recipes are directed at developers who need to decipher problems right at that moment and do not learn many hypotheses before taking care of the issue. While reference or instructional exercise books can portray and teach you all the general ideas, they do not help you tackle certifiable issues.
Here comes this particular book that has decided to educate you through real-world models, the common path for a great many people to learn. Most of the issues discussed are seen to be the problems looked at by C# designers. Yet, a portion of the further developed issues calls for increasingly mind-boggling solutions that consolidate numerous systems.
Every formula is designed to help you rapidly comprehend your particular problem, figure out how to solve it, and discover any potential exchange-offs or, on the other hand, ramifications to assist you with comprehending your problems quickly, productively, and with negligible exertion.
Table of Contents
- Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)
- Strings and Characters
- Classes and Structures
- Generics
- Collections
- Iterators, Partial Types, and Partial Methods
- Exception Handling
- Diagnostics
- Delegates, Events, and Lambda Expressions
- Regular Expressions
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Filesystem I/O
- Reflection
- Web
- Networking
- Security
- Threading and Synchronization
- Toolbox
- Numbers and Enumerations
9. C# in a Nutshell – The Definitive Reference
This book’s target is all the intermediate and advanced programmers looking for a C# book that has all the important information under one roof. No previous data on C# is required to begin this book. But then again, some fundamental programming experience is crucial.
For the apprentice, this book supplements instead of replacing an instructional exercise style prologue with programming. This book is an ideal partner to any of C# books’ gigantic scope that focuses on an applied advancement, for instance, ASP.NET, WPF, or WCF.
C# 4.0, in a Nutshell, covers those regions of C#, .NET Framework in detail, which the other books exclude. The first few chapters after the introduction discuss C# entirely from scratch till the end. It starts with the absolute basics, which are variables and data types. This will be of great help if you are new and want to learn C#; therefore, you should read these chapters in the sequence given.
Table of Contents
- Introducing C# and the .NET Framework
- C# Language Basics
- Creating Types in C#
- Advanced C#
- Framework Overview
- Framework Fundamentals
- Collections
- LINQ Queries
- LINQ Operators
- Other XML Technologies
- Disposal and Garbage Collection
- Diagnostics and Code Contracts
- Streams and I/O
- Networking
- Serialization
- Assemblies
- Reflection and Metadata
- Dynamic Programming
- Security
- Threading
- Parallel Programming
- Asynchronous Methods
- Application Domains
- Native and COM Interoperability
- Regular Expressions
10. C# 5.0 Pocket Reference
This book will tell you precisely what you need to know. Unlike other C# books, it will not bore you out by giving you long introductions or bloated examples. Rather, it is so consistent and has all the information in one concentrated area that it will be easy for you to browse any information or data that you need or want to look for.
It is an ideal book if you want something as an all-time reference or a guide to help you ace up your speed to learn C# if you are already familiar with the languages – Java, C++, or even an older version of C#. To learn C# as a beginner, you are recommended to use another book instead of this one, as it is more like a reference once you have learned this language already.
Table of Contents
- A First C# Program
- Syntax
- Type Basics
- Numeric Types
- Boolean Type and Operators
- Strings and Characters
- Arrays
- Variables and Parameters
- Expressions and Operators
- Statements
- Namespaces
- Classes
- Inheritance
- The object Type
- Structs
- Access Modifiers
- Interfaces
- Enums
- Nested Types
- Generics
- Delegates
- Events
- Lambda Expressions
- Anonymous Methods
- try Statements and Exceptions
- Enumeration and Iterators
- Nullable Types
- Operator Overloading
- Extension Methods
- Anonymous Types
- Dynamic Binding
- Attributes
- Caller Info Attributes
- Asynchronous Functions
- Unsafe Code and Pointers
- Preprocessor Directives
- XML Documentation
11. C# 7 Quick Syntax Reference
This C# book is targeted at intermediate and advanced programmers who have quite a bit of programming experience. This book is more like a guide for those who want to have something to look at just before an interview or a lesson. The chapters in this book are concise and to the point, which will help you learn C# comfortably.
It includes just what you need to ace an interview. Everything is written as a small note so you can skim through each chapter quickly. Starting with the most basic topics, which are variables, operators, strings, arrays, and loops, it moves to the hard topics, which are inheritance, interfaces, overloading, exception handling, etc.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Hello World
- Chapter 2: Compile and Run
- Chapter 3: Variables
- Chapter 4: Operators
- Chapter 5: Strings
- Chapter 6: Arrays
- Chapter 7: Conditionals
- Chapter 8: Loops
- Chapter 9: Methods
- Chapter 10: Class
- Chapter 11: Inheritance
- Chapter 12: Redefining Members
- Chapter 13: Access Levels
- Chapter 14: Static
- Chapter 15: Properties
- Chapter 16: Indexers
- Chapter 17: Interfaces
- Chapter 18: Abstract
- Chapter 19: Namespaces
- Chapter 20: Enum
- Chapter 21: Exception Handling
- Chapter 22: Operator Overloading
- Chapter 23: Custom Conversions
- Chapter 24: Struct
- Chapter 25: Preprocessors
- Chapter 26: Delegates
- Chapter 27: Events
- Chapter 28: Generics
- Chapter 29: Constants
- Chapter 30: Asynchronous Methods
12. C# – 24 Hour Trainer
This book is a self-guided manual for C# programming in the Visual Studio domain. It utilizes simple-to-follow exercises, fortified by steps, guidelines, and supplemental activities, to assist you with acing C# programming rapidly and effortlessly.
It discloses how to compose C# programs that interface with the client to understand inputs, compute results, and show yields. It will tell you the best way to peruse and compose records, make printouts, and use databases.
This book won’t make you a specialist, yet it will give you a strong comprehension of step-by-step instructions to compose C# programs. When you’ve wrapped up this book and are working through the Try It areas and activities, you’ll have the option to compose non-inconsequential projects of your own.
You will be able to manufacture some valuable projects. Don’t be intimidated because this C# book is for any individual who needs to figure out how to compose C# programs.
Regardless of whether you need to move into a rewarding vocation as a software designer, include any new abilities in your list of qualifications, or captivate new side interests, this book can get you started real quick. This book does not expect you to have any past programming experience.
Table of Contents
- Lesson 1: Getting Started with the Visual Studio IDE
- Lesson 2: Creating Controls
- Lesson 3: Making Controls Arrange Themselves
- Lesson 4: Handling Events
- Lesson 5: Making Menus
- Lesson 6: Making Tool Strips and Status Strips
- Lesson 7: Using RichTextBoxes
- Lesson 8: Using Standard Dialogs
- Lesson 9: Creating and Displaying New Forms
- Lesson 10: Building Custom Dialogs
- Lesson 11: Using Variables and Performing Calculations
- Lesson 12: Debugging Code
- Lesson 13: Understanding the Scope
- Lesson 14: Working with Strings
- Lesson 15: Working with Dates and Times
- Lesson 16: Using Arrays and Collections
- Lesson 17: Using Enumerations and Structures
- Lesson 18: Making Choices
- Lesson 19: Repeating Program Steps
- Lesson 20: Reusing Code with Methods
- Lesson 21: Handling Errors
- Lesson 22: Preventing Bugs
- Lesson 23: Defining Classes
- Lesson 24: Initializing Objects
- Lesson 25: Fine-Tuning Classes
- Lesson 26: Overloading Operators
- Lesson 27: Using Interfaces
- Lesson 28: Making Generic Classes
- Lesson 29: Using Files
- Lesson 30: Printing
- Lesson 31: Windows Store Apps
- Lesson 32: Windows Phone Apps
- Lesson 33: Localizing Programs
- Lesson 34: Programming Databases, Part 1
- Lesson 35: Programming Databases, Part 2
- Lesson 36: LINQ to Objects
- Lesson 37: LINQ to SQL
13. C# All In One For Dummies
C# All In One For Dummies portrays an aberrant way of looking at programming languages. The objective of this book is to disclose C# to you. To compose usable projects, you need a particular coding condition. This book is wagering that you will use Microsoft Visual Studio. Since this book is an all-in-one, it will give you far-reaching inclusion in Visual Studio.
This book is made as simple to use as could reasonably be expected, thereby making it interesting to learn C#. Making sense of or learning another language is sufficiently hard — why make it any more convoluted than it should be? This book is separated into eight small books, and thus, it is much easier to grasp all topics.
Table of Contents
- Book I: Basics of C# Programming
- Book II: Object-Oriented C# Programming
- Book III: Designing for C#
- Book IV: A Tour of Visual Studio
- Book V: Windows Development with WPF
- Book VI: Web Development with ASP.NET
- Book VII: Service-Oriented Development
- Book VIII: New Features in C# 4.0
14. C# Deconstructed
This C# book is a bit different from the others in the list of C# books, as it discusses the architecture of the CPU and its programming languages. The first few chapters give an overview of the CPU; it will tell you about the memory of the CPU, the concepts of the operating system, thread, and process.
After that, it will give you a brief description of C#’s history, how this language evolved, and what are its main features, and then it will slowly advance to the depth of C#. You will also be introduced to PE files, which is a crucial part of this language and will help you learn C#.
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Programming Language
- The Virtual Machine and CLR
- Assembly
- CLR Memory Model
- CLR Memory Model II
- CLR Execution Model
- CLR Execution Model II
15. C# Game Programming For Serious Game Creation
Everybody has extraordinary game thoughts, but the process of carrying it forward to a completed item is certainly not a comprehensible one. There are numerous programming dialects, libraries, and creation strategies that are very intimidating to even think about. Without a decent, strong design or base, game code may become so confusing that a designer may suffocate in the intricacy.
This book tells the best way to compose basic, spotless, dependable code by creating two fundamental games. With the help of the C# programming language and OpenGL, these games are assembled. C# is a progressed, propelled programming language, so forming code is speedier.
This acts as a great advantage as it has fewer programming moles to avoid. The resulting part familiarizes how you can utilize these libraries. It will also show you how to make your own game library that can be reused.
When you are done with this C# book, you will have a great base of code to create and develop, seeking after your own thoughts. In the book’s initial segment, you will locate the techniques and libraries used to manufacture extraordinary games. The subsequent part acquaints how you can use these libraries and make your own reusable game library.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 The History of C#
- Chapter 2 Introducing OpenGL
- Chapter 3 Modern Methods
- Chapter 4 Setup
- Chapter 5 The Game Loop and Graphics
- Chapter 6 Game Structure
- Chapter 7 Rendering Text
- Chapter 8 Game Math
- Chapter 9 Making the Game Engine
- Chapter 10 A Simple Side-Scrolling Shooting Game
- Chapter 11 Creating Your Own Game
16. C# Programming For The Absolute Beginner
If you want to learn C# from scratch, then this book is for you. You will find everything, starting from the most basic topics to the most advanced ones. There are not many chapters in this book.
It has everything given in a very concise and condensed manner so that you do not have to read another beginner book to learn C#. It contains numerous examples after every discussion, making it almost effortless for you to understand the topics.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Basic Input and Output: A Mini Adventure
- Chapter 2: Branching and Operators: The Math Game
- Chapter 3: Loops and Strings: The Pig Latin Program
- Chapter 4: Objects and Encapsulation: The Critter Program
- Chapter 5: Constructors, Inheritance, and Polymorphism: The Snowball Fight
- Chapter 6: Creating a Windows Program: The Visual Critter
- Chapter 7: Timers and Animation: The Lunar Lander
- Chapter 8: Arrays: The Soccer Game
- Chapter 9: File Handling: The Adventure Kit
- Chapter 10: Chapter Basic XML: The Quiz Maker
- Chapter 11: Databases and ADO.NET: The Spy Database
17. Data Structures and Algorithms Using C#
This C# book is composed fundamentally as a real-life sketch of the data structures and algorithms that all genuine software engineers need to know and comprehend. The different data structures and algorithms are introduced as critical thinking apparatuses.
This book does not expect you to be an expert in programming, obviously. Still, the main essential for this book is that you have some recognition of the C# language all in all, and more specifically, in object-oriented programming in C#. Therefore, to learn C# and also data structures, this book is a gem!
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 An Introduction to Collections, Generics, and the Timing Class 1
- Chapter 2 Arrays and ArrayLists 26
- Chapter 3 Basic Sorting Algorithms 42
- Chapter 4 Basic Searching Algorithms 55
- Chapter 5 Stacks and Queues 68
- Chapter 6 The BitArray Class 94
- Chapter 7 Strings, the String Class, and the StringBuilder Class 119
- Chapter 8 Pattern Matching and Text Processing
- Chapter 9 Building Dictionaries: The DictionaryBase Class and the SortedList Class
- Chapter 10 Hashing and the Hashtable Class 176
- Chapter 11 Linked Lists 194
- Chapter 12 Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees 218
- Chapter 13 Sets 237
- Chapter 14 Advanced Sorting Algorithms 249
- Chapter 15 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms for Searching 263
- Chapter 16 Graphs and Graph Algorithms
- Chapter 17 Advanced Algorithms
18. Fundamentals of Computer Programming With C#
This C# book is most appropriate for apprentices. It is proposed for any individual who, up until this point, has not been genuinely locked in programming and might want to start doing it. This book begins with the absolute basics and will gradually bring you into the basics of programming.
It will not show you completely everything you may require to turn into a software designer and work at a software organization. However, it will lay the preparation for developing innovative information and abilities, and through those, you will have the option to turn programming into your career.
Do not stress out if you have never composed a computer program in your life before. There is a first time for everything. In this book, you will learn how to program without any earlier preparation. You do not have to have any past understanding or capacities. All you need is a few fundamental PC proficiency and a longing to take up programming. You will gain the rest from the book.
19. Learning Object-Oriented Programming In C# 5.0
This book gives an exhaustive manual for the most significant highlights of C# 5.0. It clarifies object-arranged programming (OOP) standards and their advantages in creating certifiable applications, and it coordinates inside and out OOP basics when creating code in C#.
It gives basic, direct data to support perusers ace the center capacities of Visual C# and investigates making and utilizing progressed class highlights, for example, generics, assortments, and operator overloading.
The book is designed for intermediate to advanced programmers, showing various parts of object-oriented programming in detail. The book investigates significant highlights of C# 5.0 with running models.
It starts with central themes like information types, operators, arrays, and strings. After these basic themes, it slowly delves into the intricate subjects of code reusability through classes, polymorphism, and inheritance. The book is useful for designers and educators who need to learn C# programming.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 The .NET Framework
- Chapter 2 Data Types
- Chapter 3 Operators and Expressions
- Chapter 4 Decision-Making and Looping
- Chapter 5 Arrays and Strings
- Chapter 6 Methods and Structures
- Chapter 7 Classes and Objects
- Chapter 8 Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Chapter 9 Interfaces
- Chapter 10 Operator Overloading
- Chapter 11 Delegates and Events
- Chapter 12 Generics and Collections
- Chapter 13 Managing Errors and Exceptions
- Chapter 14 Threads
- Chapter 15 Streams
- Chapter 16 ADO.NET
- Chapter 17 LINQ Queries
- Chapter 18 Web-Based Application Development in .NET
- Chapter 19 .NET Assemblies
20. Thinking in C-Sharp
This book talks about programming as a career, not as a scholarly discipline. This book expects that you have some program recognition and you can comprehend that a program is an assortment of explanations, the possibility of subroutine/function control articulations, for example, “if” statements and loops, for example, “while,” and so forth.
This book does not expect you to be acquainted with object-arranged programming (OOP). Thus, the book’s main portion can be viewed as an all-inclusive instructional exercise on object-oriented programming, more like an instructional exercise on C#. Moreover, you do not have to be from a computer science background to learn C# using this book.
Table of Contents
- Those Who Can Code
- Introduction to Objects
- Hello, Objects
- Controlling Program Flow
- Initialization and Cleanup
- Hiding the Implementation
- Reusing Classes
- Interfaces and Implementation
- Coupling and Cohesion
- Collecting Your Objects
- Error Handling with Exceptions
- I/O in C#
- Reflection and Attributes
- Programming Windows Forms
- GDI+ Overview
- Multithreaded Programming
- Web Programming
Finally, Insights
As you already know, C# is quite closely related to Java, just like first cousins. But then, in contrast to Java, C# additionally gives you access to pointers—a component upheld by C++. Hence, C# consolidates the crude intensity of C++ with Java’s typing security. Thus, Java programmers will feel very comfortable and at home in C# once they are used to the SDK Framework.
C# is a language focused on engineers for the Microsoft .NET stage, which has just worked with a C-like language, for example, C, C++, or Java. Microsoft depicts C# as a cutting-edge and inventive language for .NET development and keeps on conveying that with new highlights, such as Language Integrated Query (LINQ).
We really hope that the C# books that we have suggested above will be useful to you. Learning C# will require your tenacious practice and effort, which, if you are willing to give, you have already come halfway through your learning journey. Finally, if you have been satisfied with the information that we have provided, please do not hesitate to share it with your friends and family. It would be a pleasure!