Java is an extensively used programming language that is unequivocally expected to be used in the appropriate state of the web. If you did not know, Java stands for Just Another Virtual Accelerator. It is the most popular programming language for developing Android applications and is likewise among the most preferred for the advancement of cutting-edge technologies.
The uses of Java are innumerable, but if I were to mention the top few, I would say that Java is the best for mobile applications, embedded systems, desktop GUI applications, etc. Java can work on any platform, and this makes it a platform-independent software. That is why a proper set of Java books is extremely necessary for anyone who wants to learn Java.
Java Books for Learning Java Programming

Now, if you are an amateur and you want to plunge deeply into learning this language, then an ideal arrangement of Java books is incomprehensibly significant for you. Clearly, there are a large number of books that you will see when you begin looking for one, and that can be really scary.
Hence, here we will give you the list of the most beneficial books that you need in order to learn Java. These books accommodate their own particular manners. In addition to the fact that they are useful for novices, they are also helpful for cutting-edge software engineers who need to catch up on their skills and abilities to boost their confidence in this language.
1. Head First Java
If you are a neophyte in this field, then Head First Java is the best Java book for you to learn Java. It clarifies the center of the language and spreads the essential ideas of Object-Oriented Programming with genuine models.
It is written in a connecting way, clarifying central ideas like variables and the orientation of objects in a natural way. Java has many technical topics. Despite that, this book has managed to make everything super simple and interesting to understand.
Table of Contents
- Breaking the Surface: A Quick Dip
- A Trip to Objectville: yes, there will be objects
- Know Your Variables: primitives and references
- How Objects Behave: object state affects method behavior
- Extra-Strength Methods: flow control, operations, and more
- Using the Java Library: so you don’t have to write it all yourself
- Better Living in Objectville: planning for the future
- Serious Polymorphism: exploiting abstract classes and interfaces
- Life and Death of an Object: constructors and memory management
- Numbers Matter: math, formatting, wrappers, and statics
- Risky Behavior: exception handling
- A Very Graphic Story: intro to GUI, event handling, and inner classes
- Work on Your Swing: layout managers and components
- Saving Objects: serialization and I/O
- Make a Connection: networking sockets and multi-threading
- Data Structures: collections and generics
- Release Your Code: packaging and deployment
- Distributed Computing: RMI with a dash of servlets, EJB, and Jini
2. Java For Dummies
Java for Dummies is such a book that will literally spoon-feed you all the topics that you are eager to learn. The first part describes all the basics of Java – that is, how to install and run Java, everything about the software, and how to use the basic building blocks.
The second part moves on to how you can write your own Java programs and control program flow with decision-making statements and loops. The third part jumps to one of the most crucial parts of Java, that is, object-oriented programming. Java is a language that is full of techniques.
Part four describes each and every technique in detail, including how to write Java applets and how to use Java database connectivity. Thus, this book is absolutely wonderful for those who want to start learning this language.
Table of Contents
Part I: Getting Started
- Chapter 1: All about Java
- Chapter 2: All about Software
- Chapter 3: Using the Basic Building Blocks
Part II: Writing Your Own Java Programs
- Chapter 4: Making the Most of Variables and Their Values
- Chapter 5: Controlling Program Flow with Decision-Making Statements
- Chapter 6: Controlling Program Flow with Loops
Part III: Working with the Big Picture:
Object-Oriented Programming
- Chapter 7: Thinking in Terms of Classes and Objects
- Chapter 8: Saving Time and Money: Reusing Existing Code
- Chapter 9: Constructing New Objects
Part IV: Savvy Java Techniques
- Chapter 10: Putting Variables and Methods Where They Belong
- Chapter 11: Using Arrays and Collections to Juggle Values
- Chapter 12: Looking Good When Things Take Unexpected Turns
- Chapter 13: Sharing Names among the Parts of a Java Program
- Chapter 14: Responding to Keystrokes and Mouse Clicks
- Chapter 15: Writing Java Applets
- Chapter 16: Using Java Database Connectivity
Part V: The Part of Tens
- Chapter 17: Ten Ways to Avoid Mistakes
- Chapter 18: Ten Websites for Java
3. Core Java Volume I – Fundamentals
If you are a newbie or an intermediate programmer, and you want an exemplary book that would teach you all the basic and advanced topics of Java, then this Java book is perfect for you. This particular volume focuses on the major ideas of the Java language alongside the rudiments of UI (user interface) programming.
The radiant Javadoc instrument that designs your code remarks as a collection of hyperlinked pages. On the off chance that you know about C++, you can peruse through this part rapidly. Software engineers originating from a nonobject-oriented foundation ought to hope to invest some energy in acing the OOP ideas before going further with Java.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: An Introduction to Java
- Chapter 2: The Java Programming Environment
- Chapter 3: Fundamental Programming Structures in Java
- Chapter 4: Objects and Classes
- Chapter 5: Inheritance
- Chapter 6: Interfaces, Lambda Expressions, and Inner Classes
- Chapter 7: Exceptions, Assertions, and Logging
- Chapter 8: Generic Programming
- Chapter 9: Collections
- Chapter 10: Graphics Programming
- Chapter 11: Event Handling
- Chapter 12: User Interface Components with Swing
- Chapter 13: Deploying Java Applications
- Chapter 14: Concurrency
4. Learn Java for Android Development
In the present testing monetary atmosphere, you may get a kick out of the chance to take a stab at creating Android applications and bring in some cash. On the off chance that you have smart thoughts, determination, and some aesthetic ability (or maybe know some skilled people), you are now almost toward accomplishing this objective.
Above all, you’ll have to have a strong comprehension of the Java language and primary application programming interfaces (APIs) before bouncing into Android. All things considered, Android applications are written in Java and interface with a considerable lot of the standard Java APIs (for example, stringing and input/yield APIs).
Learn Java for Android Development has been composed to give you a strong Java establishment that you can later stretch out with information on Android engineering, API, and device points of interest.
This book will provide you with a solid handle on the Java language and the numerous significant APIs that are principal to Android applications and other Java applications. It will likewise acquaint you with key advancement apparatuses.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Getting Started with Java
- Chapter 2: Learning Language Fundamentals
- Chapter 3: Discovering Classes and Objects
- Chapter 4: Discovering Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interfaces
- Chapter 5: Mastering Advanced Language Features, Part 1
- Chapter 6: Mastering Advanced Language Features, Part 2
- Chapter 7: Exploring the Basic APIs, Part 1
- Chapter 8: Exploring the Basic APIs, Part 2
- Chapter 9: Exploring the Collections Framework
- Chapter 10: Exploring the Concurrency Utilities
- Chapter 11: Performing Classic I/O
- Chapter 12: Accessing Networks
- Chapter 13: Migrating to New I/O
- Chapter 14: Accessing Databases
- Chapter 15: Parsing, Creating, and Transforming XML Documents
- Chapter 16: Focusing on Odds and Ends
5. The Well-Grounded Java Developer
This Java book will take you from the new highlights of Java 7 through to the best acts of current software improvement and the eventual fate of the platform. A portion of the features that have extraordinary pertinence is also described here, for example, execution, bytecode, and class loading.
Additionally, new, non-Java dialects on the JVM, also known as multilingual programming, are also discussed since they turn out to be progressively critical to numerous engineers in their future years.
If you can become a well-developed java developer, it will keep you drawn in and in charge of your own advancement and will assist you with learning increasingly about the changing universe of Java and the environment that encompasses it.
Table of Contents
- Introducing Java 7
- New I/O
- Dependency Injection
- Modern concurrency
- Class files and bytecode
- Understanding performance tuning
- Alternative JVM languages
- Groovy: Java’s dynamic friend
- Scala: powerful and concise
- Clojure: safer programming
- Test-driven development
- Build and continuous integration
- Rapid web development
- Staying well-grounded
6. Java: The Good Parts
Are you a Java programmer who needs a little augmentation in their Java programming skills? Then, this Java book is made for you. This book is not planned to be an instrument for teaching the reader Java from the core. Before reading this book, you should already have some foundation in the libraries that make up the Java language.
The aim of this book is not to show you totally new things, but to help you to remember things that you knew before but may have overlooked, or to get you to see things that you had just idea about in another light.
For individuals who are simply beginning with Java, this book can give them a few highlights that you ought to learn first. For the accomplished Java developer, this book will fill in as a centering capacity.
Table of Contents
- An Introduction to Java
- The Type System
- Exceptions
- Packages
- Garbage Collection
- The Java Virtual Machine
- Javadoc
- Collections
- Remote Method Invocation and Object Serialization
- Concurrency
- The Developer Ecology
7. Java 8 Recipes
This Java book is proposed for every one of the individuals who are keen on learning the Java programming language. It is also ideal for those who already know the language yet might want some updates regarding the new highlights that are embedded in Java SE 8 and JavaFX 8.
Don’t worry if you’re someone who has not programmed in Java for once because reading this book will permit you to begin without any preparation to find a good pace rapidly. Middle and propelled Java engineers who are hoping to refresh their skills with the most recent highlights of Java SE 8 and JavaFX 8 can likewise peruse the book to rapidly refresh and also invigorate their range of abilities.
Java software engineers will also benefit from this book for its materials on creating work area applications utilizing the JavaFX API. There are, obviously, a heap of other fundamental subjects that will be helpful to Java engineers of any kind, so reading this book is a must for all Java programmers.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Getting Started with Java 8
- Chapter 2: New Features of Java 8
- Chapter 3: Strings
- Chapter 4: Numbers and Dates
- Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Java
- Chapter 6: Lambda Expressions
- Chapter 7: Data Structures and Collections
- Chapter 8: Input and Output
- Chapter 9: Exceptions and Logging
- Chapter 10: Concurrence
- Chapter 11: Debugging and Unit Testing
- Chapter 12: Unicode, Internationalization, and Currency Codes
- Chapter 13: Working with Databases
- Chapter 14: JavaFX Fundamentals
- Chapter 15: Graphics with JavaFX
- Chapter 16: Media with JavaFX
- Chapter 17: JavaFX on the Web
- Chapter 18: Unshorn and Scripting
- Chapter 19: E-mail
- Chapter 20: XML Processing
- Chapter 21: Networking
- Chapter 22: Security
8. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java
Among the different Java books, this book is quite aberrant as it solely focuses on object-oriented programming, utilizing the Java programming language. From the very first example of this book, object-oriented thinking is underscored and advanced.
The first few chapters describe the basics of this language and the key constituents of object-oriented programming. Each concept in this book is illustrated with a pictorial notation. Finally, after completing this book, you will be able to define and create your own class with ease.
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Computers and Programming Languages
- Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and Software Development
- Getting Started with Java
- Numerical Data
- Defining Your Own Classes—Part 1
- Selection Statements
- Repetition Statements
- Defining Your Own Classes—Part 2
- Exceptions and Assertions
- Characters and Strings
- Arrays and Collections
- Sorting and Searching
- File Input and Output
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- GUI and Event-Driven Programming
- Recursive Algorithms
9. Web Development with Java
Web development for Java is specifically made for those students who have already bolstered their programming skills but have zero tutelage in the database. HTML, HTML Forms, Cascading Style Sheets, and XML are utilized as devices in this book.
Although all Java topics are included in this book, they are not fully covered in detail. The book focuses on Java Servlets that utilize Java Server Pages and are associated with a MySQL database using Hibernate.
Table of Contents
- Browser – Server Communication
- Controllers
- Java Beans and Controller Helpers
- Enhancing the Controller
- Hibernate
- Advanced HTML and Form Elements
- Accounts, Cookies, and Carts
10. RESTful Java with JAX-RS
This Java book is an exhaustive reference directly on the JAX-RS detail, which is a JCP institutionalized explanation structure for composing RESTful web services in Java. After reading this book, you will be able to structure and create dispersed web benefits in Java, utilizing RESTful engineering standards.
An illustrative introduction to REST and the JAX-RS Standard is covered in the first part of the book. The second part of the book covers the JAX-RX workbook with examples of each chapter.
Table of Contents
Part I. REST and the JAX-RS Standard
- Introduction to REST
- Designing RESTful Services
- Your First JAX-RS Service
- HTTP Method and URI Matching
- JAX-RS Injection
- JAX-RS Content Handlers
- Response Codes, Complex Responses, and Exception Handling
- HTTP Content Negotiation
- Scaling JAX-RS Applications
- Deployment and Integration
- Securing JAX-RS
- RESTful Java Clients
- JAX-RS Implementations
Part II. JAX-RS Workbook
- Workbook Introduction
- Examples for Chapter 3
- Examples for Chapter 4
- Examples for Chapter 5
- Examples for Chapter 6
- Examples for Chapter 7
- Examples for Chapter 8
- Examples for Chapter 9
- Examples for Chapter 10
- Examples for Chapter 11
11. Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient
This book gives a compact prologue to the numerous new highlights of Java 8 and a couple of highlights of Java 7 that have not gotten a lot of consideration from software engineers who are now already acquainted with Java.
Information in this book is introduced in little lumps; it is sorted out in such a way as to help you rapidly search for any facts when required. Reading this book will also help you to viably structure your own libraries utilizing lambdas. Java.time API is also covered in detail, along with the upgrades in atomic counters, simultaneous hash maps, and composable futures.
12. Java Network Programming
Java Network Programming attempts to show you step-by-step instructions to exploit Java’s system class library to rapidly and effectively compose programs that achieve numerous basic systems administration undertakings.
Java is the primary language that gives such an amazing cross-stage network library that handles all these different tasks. Java Network Programming uncovered the force and the complexity of this library.
This Java book will likely empower you to begin utilizing Java as a stage for genuine system programming. To do so, this book gives a general foundation in arranging basics, just as point-by-point conversations of Java’s offices for composing system programs.
You’ll figure out how to compose Java programs that share information over the Internet for games, joint effort, and programming refreshes, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
Table of Contents
- Why Networked Java?
- Basic Network Concepts
- Basic Web Concepts
- Streams
- Threads
- Looking Up Internet Addresses
- URLs and URIs
- HTML in Swing
- Sockets for Clients
- Sockets for Servers
- Secure Sockets
- Non-Blocking I/O
- UDP Datagrams and Sockets
- Multicast Sockets
- URLConnections
- Protocol Handlers
- Content Handlers
- Remote Method Invocation
- The JavaMail API
13. Java Quick Syntax Reference
As you already know, Java has many functionalities, and this is due to its substantial number of class libraries. This Java book has all the Java syntaxes and codes condensed into one place; this is so that you do not have to run to different places to look for something. Anything you need to know about Java is available here. Therefore, it is super handy and useful and works as an excellent reference for any kind of information related to Java.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Hello World
- Chapter 2: Compile and Run
- Chapter 3: Variables
- Chapter 4: Operators
- Chapter 5: String
- Chapter 6: Arrays
- Chapter 7: Conditionals
- Chapter 8: Loops
- Chapter 9: Methods
- Chapter 10: Class
- Chapter 11: Static
- Chapter 12: Inheritance
- Chapter 13: Overriding
- Chapter 14: Packages and Import
- Chapter 15: Access Levels
- Chapter 16: Constants
- Chapter 17: Interface
- Chapter 18: Abstract
- Chapter 19: Enum
- Chapter 20: Exception Handling
- Chapter 21: Boxing and Unboxing
- Chapter 22: Generics
14. Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer
A total of 38 lessons are embedded into this Java book; thereby, it divides it for you to grasp each topic at your ease quickly. Each lesson covers an entirely new topic, and therefore, not too much information is given in each lesson except for the most important parts.
The main aim of this book is to teach you all the salient parts under one construction, and that is exactly what you will achieve after completing this book. So, it is highly suggested that you grab this book without giving it a second thought!
Table of Contents
- Lesson 1 Introducing Java
- Lesson 2 Eclipse IDE
- Lesson 3 Object-Oriented Programming
- Lesson 4 Class Methods
- Lesson 5 Back to Java Basics
- Lesson 6 Packages, Interfaces, and Encapsulation
- Lesson 7 Programming with Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Lesson 8 Introducing the Graphic User Interface
- Lesson 9 Event Handling in UI
- Lesson 10 Introduction to Java Applets
- Lesson 11 Developing a Tic-Tac-Toe Applet
- Lesson 12 Developing a Ping-Pong Game
- Lesson 13 Error Handling
- Lesson 14 Introduction to Collections
- Lesson 15 Introduction to Generics
- Lesson 16 Working with Streams
- Lesson 17 Java Serialization
- Lesson 18 Network Programming
- Lesson 19 Processing E-Mails with Java
- Lesson 20 Introduction to Multi-Threading
- Lesson 21 Digging Deeper into Concurrent Execution
- Lesson 22 Working with Databases Using JDBC
- Lesson 23 Swing with JTable
- Lesson 24 Annotations and Reflection
- Lesson 25 Remote Method Invocation
- Lesson 26 Java EE 6 Overview
- Lesson 27 Programming with Servlets
- Lesson 28 JavaServer Pages
- Lesson 29 Developing Web Applications with JSF
- Lesson 30 Introducing JMS and MOM
- Lesson 31 Introducing JNDI
- Lesson 32 Introduction to Enterprise JavaBeans
- Lesson 33 Introduction to the Java Persistence API
- Lesson 34 Working with RESTful Web Services
- Lesson 35 Introduction to Spring MVC Framework
- Lesson 36 Introduction to Hibernate Framework
- Lesson 37 Bringing JavaFX to the Mix
- Lesson 38 Java Technical Interviews
15. Java Concepts
If you are an absolute novice, then this book will be quite resourceful for you as it has been written painstakingly and with special care for newbies. Even if you have not coded once in your life, it will not make much of a difference because this book will slowly but meticulously teach you each topic.
Starting with how to use objects and implementing classes, this book will also teach you how to design classes and inherit them. You will also be introduced to data structures and generic programming.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2 Using Objects
- Chapter 3 Implementing Classes
- Chapter 4 Fundamental Data Types
- Chapter 5 Decisions
- Chapter 6 Iteration
- Chapter 7 Arrays and Array Lists
- Chapter 8 Designing Classes
- Chapter 9 Interfaces and Polymorphism
- Chapter 10 Inheritance
- Chapter 11 Input/Output and Exception Handling
- Chapter 12 Object-Oriented Design
- Chapter 13 Recursion
- Chapter 14 Sorting and Searching
- Chapter 15 An Introduction to Data Structures
- Chapter 16 Advanced Data Structures
- Chapter 17 Generic Programming
- Chapter 18 Graphical User Interfaces
16. Java Open Source Programming
This book is tied in with utilizing improvement procedures and Open Source apparatuses to bring down the expense of building venture applications. You will learn the best way to unite these to fabricate a real-world application while maintaining a strategic distance from multifaceted nature and also grasping simplicity.
We will assist you in expanding your insight into Java and the J2EE structure. This Java book takes on two objectives that will profit you both promptly and in the future; the most prompt objective is that you will turn out to be progressively acquainted with a couple of the several astounding Open Source innovations accessible for use.
Furthermore, it will present you with the basic methods and ways of thinking that will be pertinent today and long into the future, in any event, when current advancements may have been supplanted by better other options.
Table of Contents
Part One – Introduction
- Chapter 1 Overview of the Book
- Chapter 2 Application Overview
Part Two – Building Your Open Source Toolbox
- Chapter 3 Unit Testing with JUnit
- Chapter 4 Testing Object Interactions with Mocks
- Chapter 5 Storing Objects with Hibernate
- Chapter 6 Model View Controller with WebWork
- Chapter 7 Simplifying Layout with SiteMesh
- Chapter 8 Adding Search Capabilities with Lucene
- Chapter 9 Generating Configuration Files with XDoclet
- Chapter 10 Communication and Tools
- Chapter 11 Time-Saving Tools
Part Three – Developing the Application
- Chapter 12 Setting Up the Development Environment
- Chapter 13 Understanding Test-Driven Development
- Chapter 14 Managing Lifecycles and Dependencies of Components
- Chapter 15 Defining the Domain Model
- Chapter 16 Creating a Web-Based Interface
- Chapter 17 Defining Navigation, Layout, Look and Feel
- Chapter 18 Implementing Browse and Search Capabilities
- Chapter 19 Adding a Shopping Cart
- Chapter 20 Securing the Application
17. Java Cookbook
Java Cookbook is not a book that you would want to use to learn Java from scratch because this book assumes that you already know the essentials of Java. It assumes that you know how to println a string and a number simultaneously or how to compose a class that broadens Applet and prints your name in the window.
The book starts off with the processes of compiling, running, and debugging and then moves to how you can design your data with Java. It discusses the traditional methods of input and output in the following chapters and then jumps to graphics and sound, which will teach you GUI development.
Table of Contents
- Getting Started: Compiling, Running and Debugging
- Interacting with the Environment
- Strings and Things
- Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
- Numbers
- Dates and Times
- Structuring Data with Java
- Data Structuring with Generics, foreach, and Enumerations (JDK 1.5)
- Object-Oriented Techniques
- Input and Output
- Directory and Filesystem Operations
- Programming External Devices: Serial and Parallel Ports
- Graphics and Sound
- Graphical User Interfaces
- Internationalization and Localization
- Network Clients
- Server-Side Java: Sockets
- Network Clients II: Applets and Web Clients
- Java and Electronic Mail
- Database Access
- Distributed Java: RMI
- Packages and Packaging
- Threaded Java
- Introspection, or “A Class Named Class”
- Using Java with Other Languages
18. Java 7 Pocket Guide
This Java book is designed in such a way that you can carry it around wherever you go, in the office or lab, or even on your way to a place. This Pocket Guide gives a speedy reference to the standard highlights of the Java programming language and its stage.
This Pocket Guide gives you the data you will need while creating or troubleshooting your Java programs, including accommodating programming models, tables, figures, and records. Hence, it is a must-keep for everyday use. Thus, it is not something that you will read once, and you are good to go.
Table of Contents
Part I. Language
- Chapter 1: Naming Conventions
- Chapter 2: Lexical Elements
- Chapter 3: Fundamental Types
- Chapter 4: Reference Types
- Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming
- Chapter 6: Statements and Blocks
- Chapter 7: Exception Handling
- Chapter 8: Java Modifiers
Part II. Platform
- Chapter 9: Java Platform, SE
- Chapter 10: Development Basics
- Chapter 11: Memory Management
- Chapter 12: Basic Input and Output
- Chapter 13: NIO 2.0 Quicklook
- Chapter 14: Concurrency
- Chapter 15: Java Collections Framework
- Chapter 16: Generics Framework
- Chapter 17: The Java Scripting API
19. Building Mobile Applications with Java
Creating apps has always been merchandized for many reasons, primarily because it gives the app builder a huge amount of profit and who does not want that? Nowadays, there is a proliferating number of app builders in this world because all you really need is an idea and a set of skills to build an app, and for that, you definitely have to learn Java.
This book is a genius because if you want to learn how to build apps, it will spoon-feed you from the bottom to the zenith until you make an app all by yourself.
20. JAVA Programming Fundamentals
This Java book permits the peruser to experience the world we live in as object-oriented. Java language is built in a coordinated manner, and this book shows the programming required to reproduce these present reality circumstances.
This book adopts a gradual strategy rather than compartmentalizing all the item-arranged ideas into one section. Case studies are given at the finishing of each chapter, which shows different structure issues as well as the convenience of numerous new ideas seen in that section.
Table of Contents
- CHAPTER 1 Object Model of Computation
- CHAPTER 2 Class and Java Fundamentals
- CHAPTER 3 Class Design
- CHAPTER 4 Decision Making
- CHAPTER 5 The Power of Repetition
- CHAPTER 6 Methods and Constructors
- CHAPTER 7 Object-Oriented Software Design
- CHAPTER 8 GUI Applications, Applets, and Graphics
- CHAPTER 9 Simple Data Structures
- CHAPTER 10 Search and Sort
- CHAPTER 11 Defensive Programming
Finally, Insight
Java is an incredible language, not only for its functionalities and uses but also for its convenience while using it. Programmers, once they get a hold of this language, never criticize using it. Now, what is laborious is the part where you learn Java properly and get used to using it.
Thinking about all that strenuous and hard work that you would have to go through to learn this language, we have made this list of Java books so that your job gets a bit less exhausting. We hope that you will find at least a few books that will make learning Java almost effortless for you.
If you do, please do not hesitate to share our work with your friends and family so that they can benefit from this. Moreover, if you have any kind of suggestions, you are most welcome to let us know in the comment section below.