Do I need to describe what a Linux system is? No, I don’t. Because in the world of Technology, Everyone knows it. But why do people know? Linux is a versatile foundation for all software and OS. A major portion of software development, Tech education, and OS is based on Linux.
In earlier times, it was a command line interface, which is why most of the users were not interested, but now various Linux distros come with a very intuitive and beautiful graphical user interface that makes them likable to general people.
Day by day, people are learning the benefits of open source software, Virus-free OS, and, above all, adopting a flexible app base, where every customization is possible as per users’ needs.
Android, developed by Google on Linux Kernel, Ubuntu, powered by canonical partners based on Debian and future IoT ( Internet of Things), all those things are and will be solely on Linux kernel. That indicates we must learn the Linux base to get the best out of this because Linux is the future.
So, if you are a Linux User, you might be using Ubuntu, Arch Linux, Manjaro, Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Kali Linux, or any other distros you prefer.
In this situation, most users are newbies or possess little knowledge. But to get the most out of the Linux system, you have to be a learned user so that you can use the Linux system at the highest level, be an experienced user, or be a Linux Administrator or developer.
Best Linux Tutorial Books
This is why today, I am going to share a list of the best and most useful free Linux Tutorial E-Books for becoming a powerful and expert user. These evergreen Linux tutorials and learning e-books will obviously make a solid destination for your future Linux-based life.
All the Linux Tutorial e-books mentioned originally came with a PDF version, and I have also made an epub, Mobi, and Amazon Kindle copy from the original PDF copy.
So, if anyone finds any problem with the epub or Mobi copy, then I would like to refer to the original PDF version. I hope all the copies are fine to read on various devices.
1. Introduction to Linux: A Hands-on Guide

This book is very helpful for the beginner users. The contents are written in a simple and easy-to-understand format, particularly keeping in mind the newbie Linux users who have come from other OS or just have installed any Linux Distros for the first time.
The first chapter of this book focuses on the traditional history of Unix, Linux, the User Interface, features of Linux, and the various desktop environments. Then, you will get quickstart documentation on initial setup, login, password, GUI, Command Line Interface, file management, and basic Linux commands. In the third chapter, you will be able to play with the Linux file system and partitioning.
The fourth chapter will allow you to learn about various processing tasks related to users, such as Boot, Grub, and multi-tasking inside out.
Moreover, it gives detailed information about the Desktop environment, Graphical User interface, Shell Script and setup, X window system and configuration, keyboard, date, language and fonts set up, installing software, and package management.
There is a detailed step-by-step procedure for learning about printing. This section teaches how to format and command print through CLI and GUI.
Though the Linux system is versatile and has a solid OS, sometimes it may get broken due to some tweaks. So, it’s important to learn how to back up the system and files as well as restore them after a crisis or system damage. There is a separate chapter that will teach you about backup and restoration of files and system images.
We live in an era of technology and networking. In the networking section, you will learn about local host and remote access networking, Internet setup and file transfer protocol, and, above all, security aspects.
The sound and audio chapter teaches you how to play music and movies on your system, stream Internet television, and a little bit about Internet telephony.
Table of Contents
- What is Linux?
- Quickstart Guides
- About files and the file system
- System Processes
- I/O redirection
- Text editors
- Home sweet /home
- Printers and printing
- Fundamental Backup Techniques
- Networking
- Sound and Video
2. Bash Guide for Beginners

This book shares in-depth knowledge about bash scripts, the environment, the GNU sed stream editor, the awk programming language, variables, and more.
Table of Contents
- Bash and Bash scripts
- Writing and debugging scripts
- The Bash environment
- Regular expressions
- The GNU sed stream editor
- The GNU awk programming language
- Conditional statements
- Writing interactive scripts
- Repetitive tasks
- More on variables
- Functions
- Catching signals
3. Java Application Development on Linux

This book solely teaches Java application development on a Linux system. It starts with fundamental information about Linux systems and then takes the reader to an advanced level of Java software development.
It describes all the toolkits that can be used for active development projects in a very simple and step-by-step guide.
Table of Contents
- An Embarrassment of Riches: The Linux Environment
- An Embarrassment of Riches: Editors
- An Experienced Programmer’s Introduction to Java
- Where Am I? Execution Context
- The Sun Microsystems Java Software Development Kit
- The IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java 2 Technology Edition
- The GNU Compiler for Java (gcj)
- Know What You Have: CVS
- Ant: An Introduction
- Integrated Development Environments
- Balancing Acts: An Imaginary Scenario
- Analysis and Design: Seeking the Objects
- JUnit: Automating Unit Testing
- Storing the Data
- Accessing the Data: An Introduction to JDBC
- Getting in the Swing of Things: Designing a GUI for BudgetPro
- Other Ways: Alternatives to Swing
- Servlets: Java Pressed into Service
- JSP: Servlets Turned Inside Out
- Open Source Web Application Servers
- Introduction to Enterprise JavaBeans
- Building an EJB
- Deploying EJBs
- Parting Shots
4. User Mode Linux

If you are learning about virtualization technologies, COW files, file system management, networking setup, host kernel, or MConsole queries, then this book is absolutely perfect for you.
Table of Contents
- A Quick Look at UML
- Exploring UML
- A Second UML Instance
- Playing with a UML Instance
- UML Filesystem Management
- UML Networking in Depth
- Managing UML Instances from the Host
- Host Setup for a Small UML Server
- Large UML Server Management
- Compiling UML from Source
- Specialized UML Configurations
- The Future of UML
- UML Command-Line Options
5. Linux Patch Management

This tutorial will teach you about patch management for Fedora, Redhat, Debian, and other Linux Distributions. You will also learn how to set up repositories, update your system, and configure apt for various distros.
Table of Contents
- Patch Management Systems
- Consolidating Patches on a Red Hat/Fedora Network
- SUSE’s Update Systems and rsync Mirrors
- Making Apt Work for You
- Configuring apt for RPM Distributions
- Configuring a yum Client
- Setting Up a Yum Repository
6. GNU / Linux Advanced Administration
This book contains a set of tutorials and tips on advanced-level Linux system administration. It’s an all-in-one solution for learning kernel, local, server, network, and data management.
Table of Contents
- Introduction to the GNU / Linux OS
- Migration and Coexistence with non-Linux System
- Basic Tools for the Administrator
- The Kernel
- Local Administration
- Network Administration
- Server Administration
- Data Administration
- Security Administration
- Configuration, tuning, and Optimization
- Clustering
7. Linux From Scratch
This 345+ pages book is full of easy techniques and guides on how to build and set up a Linux system, starting from kernel setting, system partitioning, packages and patches, tools directory, network configuration, boot scripts upto grub setup process.
Table of Contents
- How to Build an LFS System
- Preparing a New Partition
- Packages and Patches
- Final Preparations
- Constructing a Temporary System
- Installing Basic System Software
- Setting Up System Boot scripts
- Making the LFS System Bootable
8. Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook
This book provides more than 101 tips and techniques to solve real-time shell scripting problems.
Table of Contents
- Shell Something Out
- Have a Good Command
- File-In, File Out
- Texting and Driving
- Tangled Web? Not At All!
- The Backup Plan
- The Old-boy Network
- Put on the Monitor’s Cap
- Administration Calls
9. Linux 101 Hacks – Practical Examples to build a strong foundation on Linux
This 140+ page book is a great source of tutorials on CD command hacks and offers a list of essential commands for Linux terminals. You will be able to learn about shell scripting, system management tasks, bash scripting, and archive management tools.
Table of Contents
- Powerful CD Command Hacks
- Data Manipulation
- SSH Client Commands
- Essential Linux Commands
- Colorful and Functional Shell Prompt Using PS1
- Archive and Compression
- Command Line History
- System Administration Tasks
- apachectl and Httpd Examples
- Bash Scripting
- System Monitoring and Performance
10. Shell Scripting: Expert Recipes for Linux, Bash, and More

Unlike the above-mentioned books, this book also starts with the fundamental ingredients of Unix and Linux environments. By going through these guides and tutorials, you will be able to extend the system tools and handle the system administration effectively via shell and bash scripting.
Table of Contents
- About the Ingredients – Unix, GNU, Linux, Variables, Arrays, and Wildcard Expansion
- Extending the system tools – File and Text manipulation
- System Administration – Shell Features, Data storage, and retrieval
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11. The Linux Knowledge Base and Tutorial
This book offers very basic and fundamental lessons on Linux for newbies. It starts with an installation of a Linux system, shell and bash scripting, file management, networking, and system security management.
Table of Contents
- Introduction to the operating system
- Linux basic
- Working with the system
- Shells and Utilities
- Editing Files
- Basic Administration
- The X windowing system
- The computer itself
- Networking
- System Monitoring
- Solving Basic Problems
- Security
- Installing and Upgrading
12. Managing Linux Systems with Webmin: System Administration and Module Development

This book is all about various system module management, including file sharing, schedule commands, bootup and shutdown, system log management, php server configuration, database setup, proxy server setup, cluster software management, and much more for the newbies to become experts.
Table of Contents
- System Modules
- Server Modules
- Cluster Modules
- Webmin Modules
- Developer’s Guide
13. Advanced Bash – Scripting Guide

There are no other books you will be able to get with an all-in-one solution for learning Advanced Bash script except this one. It comes with lots of handy guides and tips to help you out with practical problems of bash scripts.
Table of Contents
- Shell Programming!
- Starting With a Sha-Bang
- Special Characters
- Introduction to Variables and Parameters.
- Quoting
- Exit and Exit Status
- Tests
- Operations and Related Topics
- Another Look at Variables
- Manipulating Variables
- Loops and Branches
- Command Substitution
- Arithmetic Expansion
- Recess Time
- Internal Commands and Builtins
- External Filters, Programs, and Commands
- System and Administrative Commands
- Regular Expressions
- Here Documents
- I/O Redirection
- Subshells
- Restricted Shells.
- Process Substitution
- Functions
- Aliases
- List Constructs
- Arrays
- Indirect References
- /dev and /proc
- Network Programming
- Zeros and Nulls
- Debugging
- Options.
- Gotchas
- Scripting With Style
14. Linux Dictionary

The Linux system includes some very confusing and difficult-to-remember commands and words that help administrators perform specific tasks effectively and easily.
So, this unique and versatile book will help both newbies and professionals understand Linux commands and a list of the specified words of Linux systems.
15. Linux Network Administrator’s Guide
If you are keenly interested in learning system security, various networking sets, Internet control message protocol, resolving the hostname, and much more, then this piece of the book is perfect for you.
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Networking
- Issues with TCP/IP Networking
- Configuring the Networking Hardware
- Configuring the Serial Hardware
- Configuring TCP/IP Networking
- Name Service and Resolver Configuration
- Serial Line IP
- The Point−to−Point Protocol
- TCP/IP Firewall
- IP Accounting
- IP Masquerade and Network Address Translation
- Important Network Features
- The Network Information System
- The Network File System
- IPX and the NCP Filesystem
- Managing Taylor UUCP
- Electronic Mail
- Sendmail
- Getting Exim Up and Running
- Netnews
- C News
- NNTP and the nntpd Daemon
- Internet News
- Newsreader Configuration
16. Linux Filesystem Hierarchy
Linux file system is complex in nature and not easy for newbies to understand. This 100+-page book will teach you all about the complexity of Linux file management. You will undergo an enormous course of understanding /boot, /dev, /bin, /sbin, /root, /etc, and much more.
17. Pro Ubuntu Server Administration

Ubuntu is the best and most popular Linux distro for desktop and server development. Most of the world’s big and complex servers are run by Ubuntu. Ubuntu is well known for its robustness and security. So, this book is a must-read for those who want to learn and manage Ubuntu server administration.
Table of Contents
- Performing an Advanced Ubuntu Server Installation
- Using Ubuntu Server for System Imaging
- Performance Monitoring
- Performance Optimization
- Advanced File System Management
- Network Monitoring
- Creating an Open Source SAN
- Configuring OpenLDAP
- Integrating Samba
- Configuring Ubuntu Server As a Mail Server
- Managing Ubuntu Server Security
- Configuring Ubuntu Server As a VPN Server
- Configuring Kerberos and NTP on the Ubuntu Server
- Ubuntu Server Troubleshooting
18. Pocket Linux Guide

With the help of this tutorial book, you will be able to learn Linux systems, starting from the basics and fundamental topics, up to very complex theories with easy and step-by-step practical examples.
Table of Contents
- Project Initiation
- A Simple Prototype
- Saving Space
- Some Basic Utilities
- Checking and Mounting Disks
- Automating Startup & Shutdown
- Enabling Multiple Users.
- Filling in the Gaps
- Project Wrap Up
19. Securing and Optimizing Linux: The Ultimate Solution

Only learning the basics of Linux installation, upgrading, and file management will not be good enough for those who want to make their career in a Linux system.
They need to go further to acquire advanced-level knowledge, including system management and backups, system security, and Linux optimization for the best results.
Try to grab this book now to learn and fulfill the future requirements for a Linux-based career.
Table of Contents
- Installation Related Reference
- Security and Optimization-Related Reference
- Networking Related Reference
- Cryptography & Authentication Related Reference
- Monitoring & System Integrity Related Reference
- Management & Limitation-Related Reference
- Domain Name System-Related Reference
- Mail Transfer Agent Related Reference
- Internet Message Access Protocol Related Reference
- Database Server-Related Reference
- Gateway Server-Related Reference
- Other Server-Related Reference
- Backup Related Reference
20. The Linux Programmer’s Guide
This book is called “Swiss Army Knife” and is for learning Unix and Linux systems. With the help of this tutorial book, you will be solving all the complex mechanisms of the Linux-based machine.
Table of Contents
- The Linux operating system
- The Linux kernel
- The Linux libc package
- System Calls
- The “Swiss army knife” ioctl
- Linux Interprocess Communications
- Sound Programming
- Character Cell Graphics
- Programming I/O ports
- Porting applications to Linux
21. The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide

In this book, you will not find any basic information about the Linux system. Rather, it deals with a fundamental core component of Unix or Linux base, which is kernel module programming.
If you like Linux and want to make your dream career, then I would like to recommend this book to you to start with. First, learn the core, and afterward, go for what you like to go.
Table of Contents
- Introduction – What Is A Kernel Module
- Hello – The Simplest Module
- Preliminaries – Modules vs. Programs
- Character Device Files
- The /proc File System
- Using /proc For Input
- Talking to Device Files (writes and IOCTLs)
- System Calls
- Blocking Processes
- Replacing Printks
- Scheduling Tasks
- Interrupt Handlers
- Symmetric Multi-Processing
- Common Pitfalls
22. The Linux System Administrator’s Guide
Various parts of a Linux system, different modules of a kernel, major services of Unix system, Linux directory system, data management, swap, and virtual memory management, and many more guides and easy tutorials are in this book. So why do you wait? Just download the book and start learning.
Table of Contents
- Overview of a Linux System
- Overview of the Directory Tree
- Hardware, Devices, and Tools
- Using Disks and Other Storage Media
- Memory Management
- System Monitoring
- Boots And Shutdowns
- Init
- Logging In And Out
- Managing user accounts
- Backups
- Keeping Time
23. Just Enough Linux – Learning about Linux One Command at a Time
What are Linux and command? With these basic and core queries, this book starts to teach you about all the fundamental things of a Linux system. Linux directory structure, file editing, scripting, command cheat sheet, and regular expression cheat sheet are included in this course.
Table of Contents
- Linux Concepts
- Linux Commands
- Command Cheat Sheet
- Directory Structure Cheat Sheet
- Regular Expression Cheat Sheet
- ‘find’ Cheat Sheet
24. Linux Fundamentals

Just grab this book. This book is an all-in-one tutorial wiki for all the major Linux distributions. It starts with Linux history, describes all the major distros, including Debian, Redhat, Fedora, Ubuntu, and others, and describes what to choose.
This book provides tips and tricks for installing various Linux distros. Moreover, Linux file management, directory structure, command and shell scripting, and much more are the core components of this book. More Than 300+ pages teach you everything about Linux and all the major distros in detail.
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Linux
- Installing Linux
- First steps on the command line
- Shell expansion
- Pipes and commands
- Introduction to vi
- Scripting
- Local user management
- File Security
25. Little Orange Ubuntu Book – Ubuntu 101
This book is solely for Ubuntu users. If you are new to Ubuntu, this very specific book will help you a lot, starting with basic installation, upgrading, manual disk partitioning, installing the required software, tweaking Ubuntu, and much more.
Table of Contents
- Ubuntu, what are your options, and is it right for you?
- Installing Ubuntu
- Installing Software
- Tweaking Ubuntu
- Getting Under The Hood of Ubuntu
26. The Official Ubuntu Book

This book is for the Ubuntu freak. It lets you know about the history and emergence of the Ubuntu system. Moreover, it makes you an advanced and powerful user of Ubuntu distros by teaching you how to install Ubuntu, tweak the system for productivity, use the terminal and keyboard shortcut, learn Unity Dash, install applications from the repository, get acquainted with server administration, and a lot more.
Table of Contents
- The Ubuntu Story
- Installing Ubuntu
- Getting Started with Ubuntu
- Becoming an Ubuntu Power User
- Finding and Installing Ubuntu Applications
- Customizing Ubuntu for Performance, Accessibility, and Fun
- Welcome to the Command Line
- The Ubuntu Server
- Ubuntu-related Projects and Derivatives
27. Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference

Why is Ubuntu so special and popular? Do you really want to know? You have come to the right place. Download this book. You will get all the information about the Ubuntu system and the answer to why Ubuntu is one of the best Linux distros out there.
Moreover, this book will teach you how to install and configure Ubuntu for the first time, how to set up users and file management, how to tweak the desktop environment for the best productivity, how to use commands in the terminal, and so on.
Table of Contents
- A brief introduction to Linux Kernel and Ubuntu
- Installing Ubuntu
- Configuring Ubuntu
- Getting to grips with the desktop
- Users and the filesystem
- Hands‐on at the command line
- Software management
- Securing the system
Final Thought
I hope, above all, the Linux Tutorial books will help you to get to know about the Linux system and how it works from the beginning to the advanced expert level.
It will help you to make a career in Linux software development, and of course, if you want, you can also help others by effectively distributing your Linux knowledge. Because self-learning is the best learning, Knowledge is increased by sharing with others.
So, let’s change the world with the open-source, free Linux system into something good and valuable for future generations.
So this is all about Linux Tutorials and learning by self-reading Free Linux Ebooks. Did you like the List of Free Linux Tutorial Ebooks? Did I miss including any good, quality Linux Tutorial and Learning Ebooks? Please let me know in the comment section, and I will add them to the list.
One Last Thing
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Thanks again for spending part of your day here. Hope to see you come back. 🙂
Note: All books are the property of the individual writers. If anyone finds any copyright materials here, please contact me. I will remove the content as soon as possible. Report the broken link in the comment section, and it will be updated with the corrected one.
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Thankyou, this will help me so much
Thank you, Mehedi, for the vast array of material here! As an aspiring IT Professional, I’m currently taking an online IT course and am a newcomer to programming. The technical jargon used to explain certain processes and protocols can be very confusing and discouraging when trying to tie it all together in real-time. No more bouncing back-and-forth through Wikipedia!!
the best content in web what i find for my new development in LInux
Good job. Thank You!
Usually i never comment on articles but this article made me to comment one. One word best article on Linux ever.
Book 7 does not load. It shows error 404. I was downloading in Windows if that should be the problem.
The PDF & EPUB links are broken, but the MOBI link worked, so I took the MOBI file although I prefer EPUB format.
Is all the pdf and EPUB formats are broken? At my end, it seems all are working.
Thank you!! i downloaded everything and hopefully will be able to read from scratch. i’m just starting linux after discovering how cool it is, and looking for something that could guide me from starter to advance, this is an awesome guide for me. GREAT WORK!
this article has helped me a lot, thank you
All best resources in one place !! Amazing!!
Mehedi ! Thank you for great job ! Exceptional collection ! The best source Linux…Linux transform curious minds o/ 🙂
May be the best article on Linux ever…
Great article. Lots of good stuff there
Thank you for you kind dear
Thank you for your big heart!!!
great job, keep up the good work…you have given the power to fight with difficulties for Linux war.
Glad, you like it.
nice collection bro
Thank you for all the great resources!
thank you . nice job
Mehedi hasan great work people should have a different approach towards linux and this article will change their prescriptive, meanwhile i would like to share one of the good material about linux i.e linux cookbook pdf, this book will made learning the files system as well as management of file system
this is one of the best articles about linux resources! thank you!
Glad you like it. Thanks for the comment.