HomeReviews5 Best Open-Source eLearning Platforms for Linux System

5 Best Open-Source eLearning Platforms for Linux System

In the era of modern online education, learning has now become free and available for almost all sections. You can find free courses for all major courses, machine learning, Linux learning, and other educational stuff. The term ‘eLearning’ is very popular and authentic among both learners and teachers. Most eLearning platforms maintain the integrity and consistency of providing quality education. Most students, job holders, and Linux system admins take courses through eLearning platforms.

Best eLearning Platforms for Linux

Most eLearning mediums offer users to use the platform from all major operating systems, and if they make applications, they often publish platform-independent tools. Making cross-platform applications and web applications is excellent if you can just access them from a web browser. In this post, we will discuss the most used and renowned eLearning platforms for Linux.

In this post, we will go through details like what they offer and what type of communication and interaction methods they offer for making the eLearning system more enjoyable and charming.

1. Moodle: Most Popular eLearning Platform

Moodle is one of the best and most used eLearning platforms among all the eLearning platforms. They offer the teachers to set the teaching materials, quizzes, assignments, and tasks for the students and learners.

Like physical examinations, Moodle also lets submitting time, late submission, and time out functions to make the learning process more interactive. Based on this educational platform’s functionality, this medium is perfect for both school and university-level students.

moodle eLearning Platforms for Linux

Like physical learning schools, Linux users can access the Moodle eLearning platform to see the mark sheet dashboard, weekly calendars, upcoming quizzes, and assessments. Linux also allows users to install third-party plugins to make calls with the entire class. To know more about Moodle and how to install it on Linux, please have a look here.

2. OpenOLAT: Learn Via Online on Linux

OpenOLAT is an online eLearning platform that focuses on giving more benefits to the learners. It ensures that with a minimum system resource, you can get a secure and stable platform to learn educational stuff. With conventional educational services, this eLearning platform also provides assigning assignments, classwork, quiz exams, and assessments.

openolat eLearning Platforms for Linux

On Linux, you can run this eLearning platform through a web browser. The web interface allows you to load the entire system along with the admin dashboard. If you’re a learner, you will need to create a new user account under your teacher’s portal. No additional tools are required to load all the active features.

Furthermore, you can add the Google Calendar to manage your classwork, assignments, and other notes. Having a license with Apache and using Java has made this tool famous and executable on both Mac, Linux, and Windows platforms.

3. Chamilo: A Tool for eLearning on Linux

The Chamilo eLearning platform is an open-source tool that is written in PHP and Javascript. Since the tool is made with PHP, it can be loaded on a Ubuntu desktop or server easily through a web browser. With all the necessary and conventional educational features, the Chamilo eLearning platform also allows you to use chatting tools among the teacher and co-learners.

chamilo eLearning Platforms

You can use this eLearning platform on any Linux distribution without hassle. It allows you to use forums, share documents, sessions, and other features.

If you’re a WordPress designer, you can also have the Chamilo eLearning platform integrated with your WordPress and Drupal sites on your Linux machine.

4. Open edX: Online eLearning Platform For Linux

Open edX is the eLearning platform for one of the most popular learning websites, edX. They call this platform an LMS (Learning Management System) where you can use both self-hosted courses and courses that are offered by edX. This eLearning platform is easily usable in Linux and its all major distributions. The Open edX project is directly supervised by scholars from MIT and Harvard.

open edx

Since edX powers the Open edx, you can find many extra educational materials on this eLearning platform along with all the conventional learning tools. They supply books, audio, and video lectures and helping notes for making the education butter understandable for the students.

There are options in the Open edX eLearning platform for using social networks, class discussion for both learners and course instructors. You can easily integrate open Edx with Ubuntu and other Linux systems. The Open edX eLearning platform runs on the Django framework and React JavaScript library, and it runs smoothly on Ubuntu and Docker.

open edx platform_graphic

You can get a certificate and learner profile from this eLearning tool. With APIs and plugins, edX allows you to run this platform on other applications. With an admin dashboard and a vast amount of courses, the Open edX eLearning platform is pretty nifty and organized that every learner desires.

5. Open SWAD: A Web eLearning Platform for Linux

Open SWAD is a web-based eLearning platform that is written in the C and C++ programming languages and runs on the Linux server. You can install and use this eLearning platform on your Linux machine and get educational support. Through the Open SWAD web-based eLearning platform, you can create workspaces, take subjects, create documents, and calculate the GPA for each and every student.

openswad tool e-learn

This eLearning platform offers social tools along with conventional educational tools for communicating with other learning partners. It is one of the easiest and nifty course management systems and eLearning platforms that you can use on your Linux machine. This virtual course manager or learning environment allows new users to enroll themselves into new courses that they offer and update the profile with their desired courses.

To offer better facilities, they have launched an android app that can help you get course updates on the phone. It can also help you to take quizzes, assessments and submit assignments through your phone.

Final Words

Learning is all about how much you can get to learn from any source, how better the medium/platform is for you, and how much you’re compatible with the medium. In this era, eLearning is not a myth or a dream anymore. Thousands of courses are available on the web that you can grab from different eLearning platforms. In the entire post, we have gone through a few most used and intuitive online eLearning platforms that you can run on your Linux machine.

Please share it with your friends and the Linux community if you find this post useful and informative. You can also write down your opinions regarding this post in the comment section.

Mehedi Hasan
Mehedi Hasan
Mehedi Hasan is a passionate enthusiast for technology. He admires all things tech and loves to help others understand the fundamentals of Linux, servers, networking, and computer security in an understandable way without overwhelming beginners. His articles are carefully crafted with this goal in mind - making complex topics more accessible.


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